Tuesday, 23 September 2014


1.0       PENGENALAN
Kewujudan kerajaan Islam Abbasiyah bermula daripada perebutan kekuasaan dalam khilafah Islam oleh Bani Abbas. Propaganda tentang kerajaan Islam Abbasiyah bermula daripada pemerintahan Khilafah Umar Bin Abdul Aziz (Bani Umayyah 717-720M). pada awalnya Pusat pentadbiran berpusat di Kota Kuffah dan Khurasan dibawah pimpinan panglima perang yang tersohor bernama Abu Muslim al-Khurasani.

            Dalam pertempuran kuasa, Bani Abbas mendapat kemenangan dan menguasai Syria (Syam). Selepas itu, Kota demi kota dapat dikuasainya. Pada 752M bermulanya kerajaan Islam Abbasiyyah berdiri dengan Khalifah pertamanya iaitu Abu Abbas al-Sayyah. Kerajaan ini berkuasa hingga 1260M.

            Dalam sejarah kerajaan Islam Abbasiyyah, muncul dua kerajaan yang bernaung dibawah Kerajaan Islam Abbasiyyah, iaitu Kerajaan Islam Fatimiyyah dan Ayubbiyah.

            Pada Kerajaan Islam Fatimiyah inilah berdirinya sebuah tempat pendidikan yang terkenal, Al-Azhar sejak tahun 970M dimana sehingga kini menjadi pusat perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. (khusus kepada keagamaan).

            Kebaikan kerajaan Islam Abbasiyah yang berpusat di Iraq dan Ibu Kotanya Baghdad telah membangun dan memajukan pelbagai sistem prasarana dalam bidang pemerintahan, ekonomi, ilmu pengetahuan dan pendidikan, falsafah, keagamaan dan lain-lainnya yang menjadi asas kehidupan moden sehingga hari ini.

            Pendekatan pendidikan dan pengajaran telah melahirkan ramai sarjana Islam mengkaji dan mengembangkan pelbagai ilmu dalam bidang kedoktoran, kimia, fizik, astronomi, matematik, geografi, historiografi, falsafah, kesusasteraan, seni muzik, tafsir, ilmu hadith, fikih, teologi, bahasa dan tasawuf.

            Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban umat manusia yang menjadi simbol kemajuan umat Islam dan umat manusia secara Universal yang berpusat di Baghdad dan dipelbagai wilayah kekuasaan kerajaan Islam Abbasiyah yang memerintah selama lebih dari 5 abad (752M-1260M).

Berdirinya Kerajaan Abbasiyyah telah diumumkan di Kufah. Kemenangan ini adalah selepas runtuhnya kerajaan Bani Umayyah yang besar, iaitu satu pimpinan dibawah Khalifah Marwan bin Muhammad yang berpusat di semenanjung tanah Arab, dan satu lagi pimpinan oleh Yazid bin Umar bin Hubairah berpusat di Wasit. Sudah semestinya seluruh tenaga digembling untuk menundukkan khalifah Bani Umayyah itu terlebih dahulu, kerana kedudukan kerajaan Abbasiyyah tidak akan teguh dan kukuh selagi khalifah Marwan tidak dijatuhkan.


Abu-Abass as-Saffah telah mengirim suatu angkatan tentera terdiri dari panglima-panglima pilihannya untuk menentang Khalifah Marwan, dan melantik bapa saudaranya Abdullah binAli memimpin angkatan tentera itu. Khalifah Marwan juga mempunyai satu angkatan tentera yang besar juga terdiri dari penduduk syam yang mempunyai kekuatan sejumlah 120000 orang pejuang. Tetapi  angkatan tentera yang begitu besar gagal mendapat kemenangan,
            Kedua-dua angkatan tentera itu telah bertempur di lembah sungai az-Zab, salah satu cabang Sungai Dajlah (Tigris) dari sebelah timur. Pertempuran berlaku begitu sengit. Angkatan tentera Khalifah Marwan mempunyai cukup bekal dan jumlahnya pun besar, sementara angkatan tentera pimpinan Abdullah bin Ali mempunyai kemahuan untuk mendapat kemenangan, dengan itu semua itu tidak dapat menundukkan semangat dan keinginan yang terkobar-kobar. Demikianlah angkatan tentera Abbasiyah mencapai kemenangan terhadap tentera Marwan. Tentera Khalifah Marwan mengalami kekalahan dalam peperangan penentuan nasib di lembah sungai az-Zab itu. Sejak itu khalifah Marwan tidak lagi berdaya menyusun kembali angkatan tenteranya.

            Khalifah Marwan bin Muhammad telah mengundur diri ke Kota Harran. Abdullah bin Ali Berjaya menjejakinya disana, lalu Khalifah Marwan undur ke Qinnisirin, di utara Syria, kemudian ke Hims dan akhirnya ke Damsyik. Tetapi Abdullah bin Ali terus memburunya dan menakluk kota-kota tersebut. Khalifah Marwan meneruskan pengundurannya ke Palestin dan Mesir. Abdullah tidak lagi mengejarnya tetapi mengarahkan saudaranya Saleh bin Ali, supaya memburu Khalifah Marwan yang saat itu berada di kawasan darat Mesir. Disana berlaku pertempuran terakhir dan tentera Abbassiyyah telah memenggal kepalanya serta membawanya kepada Abu-Abbas.
Yazid bin Umar bin Hubairah
Setelah Khalifah Marwan tumpas, bala tentera Abbasiyah pun bertindak untuk menundukkan Yazid bin Umar bin Hubairah yang merupakan tunggak terakhir bagi Bani Umayyah. Yazid adalah seorang pahlawan Arab yang menurut Qutaibah, sebagai satu-satunya panglima Arab yang berkuasa ke atas Kota Kufah dan Basrah dalam suatu dahulu. Dia seorang tua yang tegak dan tinggi serta merupakan ahli pidato yang lantang dan masih terus memerangi golongan Abbasiyyah walaupun sudah diumumkan pendirian kerajaan mereka. Tetapi apabila Khalifah Marwan terbunuh dan berakhirnya pemerintahan Bani Umayyah, barulah dia berhenti menentang. Demikianlah keadaan Kota Wasit tempat perlindungan Yazid bin Umar bin Hubairah, benteng terakhir bagi Bani Umayyah yang sukar dikepung oleh tentera Abbasiyyah, tetapi telah ditawan secara damai.
            Ketika tiba di Marwu sebuah Kota yang besar di Khurasan, pada tahun 130H. Qahtabah bin Syubaib at-Tha’ie yang baru saja dikirim oleh Ibrahim al-Imam, memimpin sepasukan tentera terdiri dari rakyat khurasan untuk memerangi tentera Bani Umayyah, dan seterusnya mencapai kejayaan sampai tiba di Iraq, dimana Yazid sebagai gabenornya. Qahtabah menyeberangi sungai Euphrates untuk meneruskan tekanan ke atas Yazid, tetapi Ma’an bin Zaidah asy-Syaiban, salah seorang pahlawan Arab yang ketika itu ada bersama-sama Yazid, telah menyerang tentera Qahtabah dengan hebatnya dan Qahtabah sendiri telah mati lemas. Anaknya al-Hasan bin Qahtabah mengambil tempat bapanya memimpin tentera Abbasiyyah itu dan meneruskan serangannya melawan tentera Bani Umayyah serta memaksa Yazid, dimana dia dan pengikutnya berkubu dengan kuat selama sebelas bulan, sampai tiba berita pembunuhan Khalifah Marwan bin Muhammad yang dibawa oleh Ismail bin Abdullah al-Qisri yang berkata kepada mereka: “untuk apa lagi kamu menggadai nyawa, sedangkan marwan telah terbunuh?” lalu mereka pun mengambil sikap untuk berdamai.
            Pihak Abbasiyyah telah mengarahkan seluruh kekuatan mereka ke Wasit, benteng terakhir Bani Umayyah, di mana berhimpun pahlawan-pahlawan pilihan bangsa Arab. Abu-Abbas as-Saffah telah mengirim saudaranya Abu ja’far al-mansyur untuk membantu al-Hasan bin Qahtabah. Abu Ja’far tahu tentang kekuatan tentera Yazid dan pahlawan Arab yang mendukungnya. Di samping itu pula Yazid sendiri merasa peluang untuk menang adalah tipis, setelah terbunuhnya Marwan dan tumbangnya kerajaan Bani Umayyah.
            Maka dimulakan dialog untuk berdamai di antara kedua belah pihak melalui utusan-utusan perdamaian. Akhirnya Abu Ja’far al-Mansur menulis surat kepada Yazid, menawarkan jaminan keselamatan kepadanya. Yazid telah merundingkan tawaran tersebut dengan sekelompok para ‘Alim selama 40 hari, dan hasilnya ialah beliau menerima baik tawaran itu. Keputusan tersebut segera diberitahu kepada Abu Ja’far.
            Sesudah dibuat perdamaian damai, Yazid dan pengikut-pengikutnya pun meletak senjata. Tetapi Abu Muslim al-Khurasani telah menulis surat kepada al-Abbas supaya dibunuh Yazid. Maka kata-kata Abu Muslim tersebut telah menyebabkan al-Abbas telah memerintahkan supaya yazid dan pengikutnya dibunuh.
Kerajaan Bani Abbasiyyah ialah nama yang diberi bagi Khalifah Baghdad Abdullah as-Saffah bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Abdullah bin al-Abbas, iaitu empayar kedua Islam selepas penyingkiran pemerintahan Kerajaan Bani Umawiyyah. Pemerintahan Abbasiyyah adalah berketurunan daripada Al-Abbas, bapa saudara Nabi SAW. Dilahirkan di Hamimah pada tahun 104H. ibunya ialah Ratbah binti Ubaidullah al-Haritsi. Dilantik menjadi Khalifah pada 3 Rabi’ul Awal 132H
            As-Saffah ialah salah seorang dari beberapa Khalifah yang mempunyai seorang isteri dan tidak mempunyai gundik. Mungkin sebab utama iaitu isterinya yang sentiasa disampingnya.
            Oleh itu, mereka merasakan diri mereka layak untuk menjadi Khalifah memandangkan sasilah keturunan mereka itu. Bani Umayyah pula ialah salah sebuah daripada golongan dalam kaum Quraisy yang berlainan daripada keturunan Nabi SAW.
            Muhammad Ibni Ali, cicit kepada Saidina Abbas menjalankan kempen untuk mengembalikan kuasa pemerintahan kepada keluarga Bani Hashim di Parsi semasa pemerintahan Khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
            Semasa pemerintahan Khalifah Marwan II, penentangan ini semakin memuncak dan berakhirnya pada tahun 750, Abu al-Abbas al-Saffah Berjaya menewaskan tentera Umayyah dan kemudiannya dilantik menjadi Khalifah.
            Telah menjadi fakta umum bahawa sesebuah Negara yang tertegak atas proses revolusi terpaksa menghadapi belbagai cabaran. Demikian halnya dengan kerajaan atau dawlah Abbasiyah yang Berjaya merebut kuasa daripada kerajaan Bani Umayyah pada tahun 132H/750M terpaksa menghadapi bermacam-macam rintangan yang timbul akibat rasa tidak puas hati sebahagian rakyat yang sama-sama berjuang menegakkan Negara tersebut. Akibatnya, ramai golongan yang menjadi korban, bukan sahaja semasa perjuangan menegakkan Negara tersebut, tetapi juga dalam proses mempertahankan Negara daripada dilanda krisis politik.
            Kerajaan Abbasiyah terkenal dalam sejarah Islam sebagai kerajaan yang paling banyak menghadapi masalah dan paling banyak mengorbankan nyawa manusia atas pelbagai alasan. Dengan itu, para Khalifah Abbasiyah telah menggunakan segala mekanisme yang ada demi mengekalkan kekuasaan mereka. Malah mengikut Ibnu Tabatiba, tindakan para Khalifah Abbasiyah itu bukan sekadar keganasan jinayah, tetapi juga tipu daya yang dirancang bagi memerangkap musuh-musuh mereka.
            Jelasnya, dalam proses memperkatakan kekuasaan itu para Khalifah Abbasiyah tidak keberatan bertindak terhadap sesiapa sahaja yang dicurigai tanpa memerlukan bukti yang kukuh.
Pemerintahan Abbasiyyah berlanjutan dari tahun 132H-656H. tempohnya ialah selama 524 tahun. Pada tahun 656H kaum Tatar melanggar dunia Islam. Membunuh Khalifah Abbasiyyah serta kaum keluarganya dan mengumumkan berakhirnya pemerintahan Abbasiyyah.

Nama-nama Khalifah Pemerintahan Abbasiyyah
Berikut ialah senarai nama-nama Khalifah pemerintahan Abbasiyyah, daripada permulaan pemerintahan:
1. Abu Abbas as-Saffah 132H.
2. Abu Ja’far al-Mansur 136H.          
3. Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Mahdi bin al-Mansur 158H.
4. Abu Musa al-Mahdi 169H.
5. Abu Ja’far Harun ar-Rasyid 170H.
6. Abu Musa Muhammad al-Amin 193H.
7. Abu Ja’far Abdullah al-Ma’mun 198H.
8. Abu Ishak Muhammad al-Mu’tashim 218H.
9. Abu Ja’far Harun al-Watsiq 227H.
10. Abu Fadhl Ja’far al-Mutawakkil 232H.
11. Abu Ja’far Muhammad al-Muntasir 247H.
12. Abdul Abbas Ahmad al-Musta’in 248H.
13. Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Mu’taz 252H.
14. Abu Ishak Muhammad al-Muhtadi 255H.
15. Abu-Abbas Ahmad al-Mu’tamid 256H.
16. Abu Abbas Ahmad al-Mu’tadhid 279H.
17. Abu Muhammad Ali al-Muktafi 289H.
18. abu Fadhl Ja’far al-Muqtadir 295H.
19. Abu Mansur Muhammad al-Qahir 320H.
20. Abu Abbas Ahmad ar-Radhi 322H.
21. Abu Ishak Ibrahin al-Muttaqi 329H.
22. Abu Qasim Abdullah al-Mustakfi 333H.
23. Abu Qasim al-Mufadhdhal al-Muthi’ 334H.
24. Abu fadhl Abdul Karim at-Tha’I 362H.
25. Abu Abbas Ahmad al-Qadir 381H.
26. Abu Ja’far Abdullah al-Qa’im 422H.
27. Abu Qasim Abdullah al-Muqtadi 467H.
28.Abu Abbas Ahmad al-Mustazhir 487H.
29. Abu Mansur al-Fadhl al-Mustarsyid 512H.
30. Abu Ja’far al-Mansur ar-Rasyid 529H.
31. Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Muqtafi 530H.
32.Abu Muzhaffar al-Mustanjid 555H.
33. Abu Muhammad al-Hasan al-Mustadhi’ 566H.
34. Abu Abbas Ahmad an-Nashir 575H.
35. Abu Nashr Muhammad az-Zahir 622H.
36. Abu Ja’far al-Mansur al-Mustanshir 623H.
37. Abu Ahmad Abdullah al-Musta’shim 640-656H.

Zaman pemerintahan Abbasiyah ini merupakan puncak zaman sejarah Islam. Di zaman itu kaum Muslimim mulai berhubungan dengan kebudayaan-kebudayaan asing seperti kebudayaan Parsi, kebudayaan Hindu, dan kebudayaan Greek, dan telah menterjemahkan karya-karya penyelidikan yang terpenting ke dalam bahasa Arab.
            Walaupun banyak sumber-sumber asli yang diterjemahkan itu telah hilang, dan yang tinggal hanya terjemahan-terjemahan dalam bahasa Arab sahaja, namun terus terpelihara sebagai kebudayaan-kebudayaan yang amat tinggi nilainya. Malahan di samping menterjemah, kaum muslimin juga telah melengkapi terjemahan tersebut, dengan memberi kritikan dan mencipta yang baru. Hasilnya kebudayaan mereka itu berpindah pula ke barat melalui Sepanyol dan Eropah yang selanjutnya telah menjadi salah satu sebab terpenting kebangkitan Eropah.


Terdapat dua cara gerakkan Bani Abbasiyah.Berikut merupakan cara gerakan Bani Abbasiyah :

Gerakan secara Sulit

Kerajaan Abbasiyah tertubuh pada awal kurun kedua Hijrah (98H) pada masa pemerintahan Khalifah Umar bin Abd.Aziz. Pengasasnya ialah Ali bin Abdullah yang kemudiannya digantikan oleh anaknya Muhammad bin Ali. Gerakkan ini berselindung dibawah nama Bani Hasyim (Alawiyeen dan Ahlil Bait). Pada masa ini mereka tidak menggunakan nama Abbasiyah dengan tujuan untuk menarik sokongan Syiah dan mengelakkan berlakunya perpecahan. Setelah Pemimpin pemberontakan Syiah iaitu Hasyim bin Muhammad menyerahkan kuasanya kepada Ali bin Abdullah pada tahun 98 Hijrah maka Humaimah telah dijadikan sebagai pusat gerakkan dan cawangannya ialah Kufah dan Khurasan. Di Kufah masih terdapat cadangan untuk mengembalikan hak khalifah kepada keturunan Rasulullah / Bani Hasyim.
Khurasan terletak jauh dari Damsyik (Pusat pemerintahan Kerajaan Umaiyah, dan lebih mudah mendapat pengaruh kerana penduduknya pernah menerima layanan buruk dari Kerajaan Umaiyah. Gerakkan pemberontakkan ini lebih giat dan aktif pada zaman pemerintahan Khalifah Umar bin Abd.Aziz kerana sikap Khalifah yang sangat berlemah lembut. Setelah Ali bin Abdullah meninggal dunia, beliau telah digantikan oleh anaknya iaitu Muhammad bin Ali pada tahun 117 Hijrah. Selepas itu,pemerintahan diganti oleh Ibrahim bin Muhammad pada tahun125 Hijrah.

Gerakan Secara Terbuka

Pada tahun 747M / 129H Ibrahim bin Muhammad menaikkan bendera hitam di Khurasan sebagai cabaran kepada kerajaan Bani Umaiyah (pada ketika itu menggunakan bendera putih). Abu Muslim al Khurasani, pemimpin utama dalam rangka mendirikan Kerajaan Bani Abbasiyah telah berjaya menakluki Meru (ibu kota Khurasan). Pada ketika itu Nassar bin Saiyar (gabenor Umaiyah di Khurasan) meminta bantuan Khalifah Marwan tetapi gagal mendapat apa-apa bantuan dan beliau meninggal tidak lama kemudian.
Selain itu, beliau juga  berjaya menakluki Kufah pada tahun 749M / 131H. Kemudian, Ibrahim bin Muhammad terbunuh dalam peperangan lalu digantikan oleh saudaranya Abdullah bin Muhammad (Abu al Abbas al-Saffah). Selepas itu, Abu al-Abbas mengisytiharkan dirinya sebagai Khalifah Kerajaan Bani Abbasiyah pada tahun 750M / 132H. Walaupun begitu, Khalifah Marwan tidak putus asa lalu bergerak dengan 12,000 tentera dari Harrah manakala tentera Abbasiyah dipimpin oleh Abdullah bin Ali (bapa saudara al-Abbas). Kedua-dua tentera ini bertemu di tebing kiri sungai Zab pada tahun 750M. Tentera Marwan mengalami kekalahan dan Khalifah Marwan lari ke Mesir.
Pada 25 April 750 Masihi Damsyik berjaya ditawan oleh tentera Bani Abbasiyah dan walaupun Khalifah Marwan lari ke Mesir tetapi dapat diburu oleh tentera Abbasiyah dan beliau berjaya dibunuh di satu daerah bernama Bousir / Busir pada 5 Ogos 750 Masihi dan kepalanya dihantar ke Kufah

Zaman Abbasiyah sememangnya terkenal dengan kegemilangannya dalam sistem pentadbiran negara Islam selepas kegemilangan Kerajaan Umaiyyah.Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mencetuskan kegemilangan kerajaan Abbasiyah. Faktor yang pertama ialah mengamalkan sistem pentadbiran berpusat yang sistematik dan mantap yang diketuai oleh seorang khalifah. Selain itu, bidang kuasa jabatan-jabatan yang ditubuhkan akan dinilai dari semasa ke semasa agar ia benar-benar telus dan terurus.terdapat juga jabatan-jabatan baru yang diwujudkan untuk melicinkan sistem pentadbiran Negara pada ketika itu.

Dari segi ekonomi, kerajaan Abbasiyah banyak memberi tumpuan kepada tiga sector utama iaitu sektor pertanian, sektor perindustrian dan sektor perdagangan. Pelbagai usaha telah dilakukan untuk memajukan sektor-sektor ini agar ia tetap memberi hasil kepada Negara dan rakyat. Selain itu, dari segi infrastruktur fizikal dan intelektual juga disediakan kepada rakyat seperti kemudahan hospital, sekolah, perpustakaan dan pusat perniagaan. Hal ini menyebabkan segala keperluan rakyat tersedia dan tidak membebankan rakyat dan dapat menikmati kehidupan yang aman dan tenteram tanpa sebarang masalah besar yang timbul.

            Dari aspek pertahanan pula perubahan drastik telah dilakukan dengan memberi peluang kepada orang bukan Arab untuk menyertai pasukan ketenteraan.Di samping itu, dasar pertahanan juga turut diubah daripada hanya memberi tumpuan kepada perluasan kuasa kepada aktiviti-aktiviti untuk membendung pemberontakan.

            Kestabilan politik juga menyumbang kepada factor kegemilangan kerajaan Abbasiyah.Pihak kerajaan pemerintah memberikan perhatian yang serius terhadap pembasmian pemberontakan dan perbalahan antara puak-puak yang ada pada zaman pemerintahan kerajaan Abbasiyah.Di samping itu,dasar politik kerajaan Abbasiyah adalah memberikan layanan yang adil kepada semua rakyat tanpa mengira bangsa dan keturunan serta banyak menjalinkan hubungan diplomatik yang baik dengan Negara-negara luar.

Kedudukan Baghdad yang strategik juga mempengaruhi kegemilangan kerajaan zaman Abbasiyah.Hal ini demikian kerana,kedudukan Baghdad berada di tengah-tengah laluan para pedagang dari timur dan barat bahkan ia juga merupakan pusat kegiatan perdagangn dan pusat pertemuan sarjana dari timur dan barat.
Selain itu,perpaduan antara kaum juga dititikberatkan dengan memberi layanan yang adil kepada semua bangsa seperti Turki,Parsi dan Arab dan mereka diberikan hak yang sama untuk menjawat jawatan dalam negara.Orang bukan Islam juga diberi layanan yang baik selagi mana mereka tidak mengkhianati kerajaan Islam dengan cara bebas mengamalkan ajaran masing-masing.

Terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan jatuhnya empayar kerajaan Abbasiyah yang dapat diambil pengajaran daripadanya. Faktor pertama yang menyebabkan kemerosotan atau kejatuhan pemerintahan zaman Abbasiyah adalah faktor kelemahan pemerintah pada ketika itu. Kerajaan Abbasiyah pada ketika itu di bawah kekuasaan Al-Wasiqm dan beliau tidak melakukan sebarang pembaharuan dalam sistem pemerintahan dibawah kekuasaannya. Beliau hanya bergantung kepada pegawai-pegawai Turki untuk mentadbir negara.

Disebabkan hal ini tiada perubahan ia menyebabkan saudara al-wasiq iaitu Al-Mutawakkil mengambil alih takhta pemerintahan dan cuba untuk mengembalikan kegemilangan pentadbiran khalifah tanpa ada campur tangan oleh pegawai berbangsa Turki dan Parsi. Malangnya, usaha beliau tidak dapat diteruskan kerana pengaruh Turki dan Parsi begitu kuat mengusai percaturan politik kerajaan Abbasaiyah.

Selain itu, terdapat juga masalah lain yang timbul sehingga berlakunya kejatuhan pemerintahan kerajaan Abbasiyah. Masalah tersebut adalah berlakunya perpecahan wilayah di bawah kekuasaan kerajaan Abbasiyah. Peristiwa bersejarah ini berlaku  pada akhir kurun ke-9 masihi. Impak peristiwa ini telah menunjukkan bahawa kuasa khalifah semakin terbatas dan ia sememangnya memberi pengaruh negatif yang besar terhadap kerajaan Abbasiyah. Akibat daripada peristiwa ini juga menyebabkan banyak jawatan penting kerajaan disandang oleh bangsa Turki dan Parsi. Kesan daripada itu ialah bangsa-bangsa ini mula mengorak langkah dengan menubuhkan kerajaan dan pengaruh mereka sendiri dan kesan yang paling buruk sekali ialah berlakunya keruntuhan kekuasaan kerajaan Abbasiyah.

Selain itu, setiap sejarah kerajaan yang memerintah mesti mempunyai permasalahan yang berkaittan dengan kuasa pemerintahan. Begitu juga berlaku dalam pemerintahan kerajaan Abbasiyah. Permasalah yang berlaku berkaitan dengan perebutan kuasa ialah terjadi apabila putera-putera al-mutawakkil bertegang urat dan bergaduh merebut kuasa untuk menjadi khalifah. Oleh sebab itu, kerajaan Abbasiyah menjadi lemah dari aspek pentadbiran dan menyebabkan berlakunya perpecahan kerajaan Abbasiyah.
Ekonomi memainkan peranan yang penting dalam membentuk sesebuah kerajaan yang mantap dan kukuh serta mampu bersaing dengan kerajaan-kerajaan lain yang sememangnya diakui kukuhnya sistem pemerintahannya. Begitu juga yang diperlukan oleh kerajaan Abbasiyah untuk membentuk kerajaan islam yang mantap dan disegani oleh penduduk dunia pada ketika itu. Tetapi disebabkan masalah kegawatan ekonomi yang melanda menyebabkan kerajaan Abbasiyah menjadi tidak stabil. Kesan daripada masalah kegawatan ekonomi membawa kepada munculnya masalah rusuhan dan pemberontakan pada akhir zaman kegemilangan Abbasiyah dan sekaligus mengganggu perkembangan kerajaan Abbasiyah pada ketika itu.

Selain itu, kesan daripada kegawatan ekonomi yang melanda menyebabkan para pedagang tidak lagi berkunjung ke Baghdad dan ini menyebabkan dana yang tersimpan di baitulmal semakin merosot nilainya berbanding dengan peruntukan yang dikeluarkan.

Di samping masalah kegawatan ekonomi yang melanda pemerintahan kerajaan Abbasiyah, terdapat juga masalah perselisihan aliran fahaman keagamaan yang timbul tanpa disangka.Pemberontakan sering berlaku ke atas pemerintahan kerajaan Abbasiyah dan ini menyebabkan sistem pemerintahan menjadi tidak teratur dan kacau-bilau. Antara pihak yang bertanggungjawab dalam agenda pemberontakan terhadap kerajaan Abbasiyah ialah pemberontak dari golongan Syiah. Selain itu, terdapat juga satu lagi golongan yang seangkatan dengan golongan Syiah yang melakukan pemberontakan iaitu pemberontak dari golongan Khawarij. Hal ini demikian kerana kedua-dua golongan pemberontak ini berpendapat bahawa jawatan khalifah hanya layak disandang oleh pemimpin dari kalangan kumpulan mereka sahaja. Hal ini telah menyebabkan keamanan dan ketenteraman Negara telah terganggu dan rakyat hidup dalam keadaan yang tertekan dan kehidupan menjadi tidak tentu arah.

Kerajaan Abbasiyah juga terpaksa menghadapi serangan dari luar yang berhasrat untuk melihat kegemilangan kerajaan Abbasiyah jatuh menjunam dan terus tersungkur. Pada akhir zaman pemerintahan kerajaan Abbasiyah, musuh-musuh dari utara iaitu dari Gorgia dan Armenia telah menyerang kerajaan Abbasiyah dan menyebabkan kerajaan menjadi tidak stabil. Selain itu, pihak barat juga telah menyerang kerajaan Abbasiyah iaitu ketika berlakunya Perang Salib serta kerajaan Monggol dari kawasan timur turut menyerang kerajaan Abbasiyah. Hal ini menyebabkan kerajaan Abbasiyah tidak dapat bertahan lama dan akhirnya terus jatuh dan berakhirnya zaman kegemilangan kerajaan Abbasiyah.

Penterjemahan Ilmu Pengetahuan
Memang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa orang islam di abad permulaan kelahiran Islam adalah merupakan golongan masyarakat yang rajin belajar dan rajin mencari ilmu pengetahuan. Factor yang besar berlaku demikian ialah kerana agama Islam sendiri sentiasa menggesa umatnya supaya belajar walaupun terpaksa berhijrah ke rantau yang jauh. Bahkan agama Islam menjadikan belajar dan mencari ilmu pengetahuan itu adalah satu perkara fardhu yang diwajibkan. Walaupun fardhu itu pada peringkat farhdu kifayah sahaja, tetapi sudah cukup untuk dijadikan dorongan utama kea rah itu.
Sebagaimana yang diketahui bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah seorang Rasul yang tidak tahu membaca dan menulis. Oleh yang demikian, sepeninggalannya tidak ada apa-apa warisan tentang buku-buku atau pun kutub Khazanah selain daripada al-Quran dan Hadis. Tetapi oleh kerana dorongan dari al-Quran dan Hadis itu sangat kuat meminta umat Islam supaya belajar, dan asasnya secara umum telah pun ada di dalam kedua-dua kitab yang berlainan, maka usaha-usaha secara serius telah dijalankan walaupun menghadapi pelbagai kesukaran. Mereka belajar melalui sesiapa sahaja yang ingin mengajar mereka. Mereka menjemput cerdik pandai daripada berbagai bangsa dan agama serta menjemput pendita-pendita dari luar negeri datang ke pusat pengajian mereka dengan bayaran gaji yang lumayan dan layanan yang istimewa.
Oleh kerana tidak mempunyai buku ilmu pengetahuan yang lengkap, maka buku-buku dari bahasa asing diterjemahkan secara besar-besaran ke dalam bahasa Arab. Tugas-tugas terjemahan ini adalah penting dan dianggap  sebagai sumber pemikiran Islam di samping al-Quran dan Hadis. Bagi tujuan itu, terpaksa terlebih dahulu belajar bahasa-bahasa yang berkenaan sehingga lahirlah di kalangan mereka cerdik pandai yang dapat menguasai berbagai bahasa, seperti bahasa Parsi, Yunani, Hindu dan lain-lain. Jabir bin Hayyan terkenal di kalangan orang Eropah dengan nama “Geber” adalah seorang penterjemah Islam yang paling handal dan cekap sekali. Di samping itu, ia juga seorang ahli sains dan sasterawan yang terbilang pada zaman kerajaan Abbasiyyah.
Gerakan penterjemahan telah sampai kemuncaknya pada zaman pemerintahan Khalifah al-Makmum, di mana terdapat sebuah akademi khas di Baghdad yang didirikan untuk tugas-tugas terjemahan. Di dalam akademi ini diterjemahkan buku-buku penting dari pelbagai bahasa ke bahasa Arab. Yahya bin Masaweh telah dilantik sebagai pengetuai akademi itu. Beliau juga diketahui telah menterjemahkan banyak buku perubatan untuk Khalifah Harun al-Rashid.
Di samping itu juga, hasil daripada usaha-usaha penterjemahan maka lahirlah cerdik pandai Islam dari orang-orang Arab yang menuntut ilmu pengetahuan dari kitab-kitab asing yang diterjemahkan. Mereka telah dapat membaca dalam buku-buku yang terpenting yang ditulis oleh Hippocrates, Galen Plonlemy dan lain-lain buku serta ulasan.
Mereka kemudiannya bekerja keras di semua pusat pengajian Islam di dunia Islam waktu itu untuk mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan. Antara bidang-bidang ilmu pengetahuan yang mendapat tumpuan ialah ilmu perubatan, ilmu astronomi, ilmu kimia dan lain-lain.

Dalam bidang ilmu astronomi, Khalifah al-Makmum merupakan pelopor utama mendirikan pusat penyelidikan ilmu yang berkenaan dengan menggunakan alat-alat yang sudah agak sempurna dan teratur di Baghdad. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui gerak-geri bintang di langit supaya mereka dapat mengetahui perihal musim-musim dan perjalanan angin, tidak sebagaimana ahli astronomi sebelum Islam dahulu kala yang bertujuan mengetahui nasib baik dan nasib buruk yang akan menimpa menusia.
Mahaguru yang utama Ilmu Astronomi yang terhandal di waktu itu ialah al-Khawarizmi. Beliau telah menyelidiki kitab-kitab ilmu yang berkenaan dari umat India, Parsi, Yunani dan Mesir, kemudian memberi pendapatnya menurut lunas-lunas Islam. Dengan usahanya orang-orang Islam tidak lagi banyak terpengaruh oleh khayalan dan dongengan zaman silam. 


Perkembangan ekonomi pada zaman kerajaan Abbasiyah bermula pada pemerintahan Khalifah Abu Jafar al-Mansur. Pada ketika itu, beliau memindahkan pusat pemerintahan kerajaan dari Damsyik ke Baghdad dan disitulah terbina dan bermulanya Baghdad. Ia dibina bersebelahan dengan Sungai Dajlah (Sungai Tigris) dan berbentuk bulatan serta mempunyai empat buah pintu. Kota Baghdad pada masa itu dibina dengan dikelilingi benteng-benteng yang kukuh serta ditengahnya dibina Masjid Jamek al-Mansur.

Keistimewaan Baghdad Dari Segi Ekonomi

Baghdad merupakan satu tempat atau lokasi yang amat istimewa dari segi ekonomi. Hal ini demikian kerana kedudukannya yang strategik dan ia merupakan laluan perdagangan oleh pedagang dari Timur dan Barat. Selain itu, Kota Baghdad juga terdapat sebuah pasar yang dikenali sebagai ‘Suk Baghdad’ yang menjadi tumpuan para pedagang dari Parsi. Di samping itu, terdapat juga ladang pertanian dan ternakan serta terdapat juga sebuah pasar yang dikenali sebagai ‘Suk al-Baqar’.

Sumber Utama Kewangan Zaman Abbasiyah

Sumber utama kewangan kerajaan Abbasiyah pada waktu itu terbahagi kepada tiga. Sumber yang pertama ialah hasil daripada kegiatan perdagangan yang sememangnya banyak menghasilkan keuntungan dan dapat menambah lagi kewangan pada waktu itu supaya stabil dan dapat diguunakan untuk pembangunan.
            Sumber utama yang kedua pula ialah daripada hasil perindustrian yang banyak membuahkan hasil dan memberi peluang pekerjaan kepada penduduk setempat.
 Sumber utama yang ketiga pula ialah dari hasil sektor pertanian. Sememangnya telah diketahui bahawa sektor pertanian membuahkan banyak hasil yang lumayan. Oleh itu, tidak hairanlah sektor pertanian menjadi salah satu daripada tiga sumber utama kewangan kerajaan Abbasiyah pada ketika itu.

8.0       KESIMPULAN

Setelah dihayati dan dipelajari daripada kisah kegemilangan Kerajaan Abbasiyah banyak pengajaran dan ikhtibar yang dapat diambil daripadanya. Antaranya adalah banyak kemajuan sains dan teknologi Eropah diambil dari zaman kegemilanagn Abbasiyah melalui tentera salib ketika berperang dengan barat.

            Selain itu, ciri-ciri kubu pertahanan juga dapat diambil pengajarannya daripada teknik-teknik ketenteraan dan ilmu-ilmu ketenteraan  semasa bertempur dengan eropah.
The existence of the Abbasid Islamic government starts from the power struggle within the Islamic caliphate by Bani Abbas. Government propaganda about the Islamic Abbasid Caliphate beginning of the reign of Umar bin Abdul Aziz (Bani Umayyad 717-720M). initially based administrative center in Kota Kuffah and Khurasan under the leadership of the renowned warlord named Abu Muslim al-Khorasani.
             In the battle of Bani Abbas victory and Syria (Sham). Thereafter, the City by the city can control. At the beginning of the Islamic government 752M Abbasid Caliph first stand of Abu Abbas al-Sayyah. Government authorities to 1260M.
             In the history of the Abbasid Islamic government, appearing two governments under the auspices of the Government of the Islamic Abbasid, the Fatimid Islamic government and Ayubbiyah.
             In this Fatimid Islamic government stands a famous educational institutions, Al-Azhar since 970M which until now a center for knowledge. (specific to religious).
             Benefits of the Abbasid Islamic government based in Iraq and the capital city of Baghdad has been developing and advancing the infrastructure system in the field of government, economy, science and education, philosophy, religion, and others that form the basis of modern life today.
             Approach to education and teaching has produced many Islamic scholars to review and expand the range of knowledge in medicine, chemistry, physics, astronomy, mathematics, geography, historiography, philosophy, literature, art, music, interpretation, knowledge of hadith, fiqh, theology, language and mysticism.
             Progress of science and civilization that became a symbol of the progress of the Muslims and humanity as Universal is based in Baghdad and varied territory of the Abbasid Islamic government that ruled for more than five centuries (752M-1260M).

The Government has announced the establishment of the Abbasids in Kufa. This victory was after the collapse of the Umayyad government, ie one under the leadership of Caliph Marwan bin Muhammad who is based in the peninsula of Arabia, and another led by Yazid bin Umar bin Hubairah based in Wasit. Of course, the whole energy geared to subdue the Umayyad caliphate in advance, because the government will not Abbasid strong and good as long as the caliph Marwan be dropped.

Abu-Abass Al-Saffah has sent an army consisting of the commanders of his choice against the Caliph Marwan, and appointed his uncle Abdullah binAli lead armies. Caliph Marwan also has a large army is made ​​up of people who have the strength of Syam number 120000 fighters. But the armed forces are so large failed to get a victory,
  Both armies were fighting in al-Zab river valley, one of the branches of the River Tigris (Tigris) from the east. So fierce clashes. Army of Caliph Marwan has been pretty fed large amounts, while the military leadership of Abdullah bin Ali has a desire for victory, so all is not able to subdue the spirit and desire terkobar flagged. Thus the Abbasid army victory over the forces of Marwan. Caliph Marwan military defeat in the war-determination in the river valley az-Zab it. Since the caliph Marwan no longer able to reorganize his forces.
             Caliph Marwan bin Muhammad had retreated to the city of Harran. Abdullah bin Ali successfully locate there, then back to the Caliph Marwan Qinnisirin, in northern Syria, then to Hims and finally to Damascus. But Abdullah bin Ali continued to hunt and conquer the cities. Caliph Marwan continue retreat to Palestine and Egypt. Abdullah is no longer chasing her but ordered his brother Saleh bin Ali, the Caliph Marwan hunting so that when it is in the land of Egypt. There occurred the last battle and military Abbassiyyah have cut off his head and brought it to Abu-Abbas.

Yazid bin Umar bin Hubairah
After the defeat of Caliph Marwan, the Abbasid army acted to subdue Yazid bin Umar bin Hubairah which is the last pillar of the Umayyads. Yazid is an Arab warrior by Qutaiba, as the only Arab commander in charge of the City of Kufa and Basra in a first. He was an old man and an upright and highly articulate orator and still continue to fight against the Abbasid though they already announced the government's stance. But when the Caliph Marwan was killed and the end of the Umayyad rule, then he quit against. Thus the umpire City shelter Yazid bin Umar bin Hubairah, the last bastion of Bani Umayyad difficult besieged by the Abbasids, but was captured peacefully.
             When he arrived at Marwu a large city in Khorasan, in the year 130H. Qahtabah bin Syubaib at-Tha'ie recently sent by Ibrahim al-Imam, led an army composed of citizens of Khurasan to combat the Umayyad army, and achieve success until arriving in Iraq, where Yazid as governor. Qahtabah crossed the Euphrates river to continue the pressure on Yazid, but Ma'an bin Zaidah ash-Syaiban, one Arab warrior who was there along with Yazid, had been attacked with a great army and Qahtabah Qahtabah own suffocated. His son al-Hasan bin Qahtabah take his father's place leading the Abbasid army and continued his attack against the Umayyad army and forces of Yazid, where he and his followers firmly entrenched for eleven months, until the news arrived assassination of Caliph Marwan bin Muhammad brought by Ismail bin Abdullah al -Qisri who said to them, "for what you are risking their lives, while Marwan was killed?" then they take a stand for peace.
             The Abbasids had directed all their strength to the umpire, the last bastion of the Umayyads, in which the assembled warriors selection Arabs. Abu-Abbas as-Saffah has sent his brother Abu Ja'far al-Mansyur to help al-Hasan bin Qahtabah. Abu Ja'far Yazid know about military power and Arab warriors who uphold it. In addition it was Yazid own chances of winning are slim, after the assassination of Marwan and the Umayyad government collapse.
             Thus began a dialogue for peace between the two sides through the messengers of peace. Finally, Abu Jafar al-Mansur wrote a letter to Yazid, offering security to him. Yazid has negotiated deals with a group of intellects for 40 days, and the result is that he received a good offer. The decision was immediately told to Abu Ja'far.
             Made after the peace treaty, Yazid and his followers even disarm. But Abu Muslim al-Khorasani has written a letter to al-Abbas that killed Yazid. Then the words of Abu Muslim has caused al-Abbas has ordered yazid and his followers were killed.
Abbasid government is the name given to the caliph of Baghdad as-Saffah Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Abdullah bin al-Abbas, the second Islamic empire after the reign of the Government of Bani Umawiyyah removal. Abbasid rule is descended from Al-Abbas, the Prophet's uncle. Hamimah born in 104H. His mother was the daughter Ratbah Ubaidullah al-Haritsi. Appointed as Caliph in 3 Rabi'ul Early 132H
             As-Saffah is one of the few Caliph had a wife and not a concubine. Perhaps the main reason that his wife, who is always beside her.
             Therefore, they feel that they deserve to be Caliph as sasilah their descendants. Umayyads also is one of the groups in different Quraish descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.
             Muhammad son of Ali, the great grandson of Umar Abbas, ran a campaign to restore sovereignty to the family of Bani Hashim in Persia during the reign of Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
             During the reign of Caliph Marwan II, this opposition has peaked and the end of the year 750, Abu al-Abbas al-Saffah successfully defeated the Umayyad and later became caliph.
             Has become common fact that a State is erected on the Admiralty had to face the challenges of the revolution. Such is the case with the government or the Abbasid Dawlah Successful seize power from the Umayyad government in 132H / 750m had to face all sorts of obstacles arising from dissatisfaction with some of the people that work together to fight to uphold the country. As a result, many of the victims are not only the struggle of the country, but also in the process of defending the country from political crisis.
             Famous Abbasid government in the history of Islam as most government faced many difficulties and most human sacrifice on a variety of grounds. Thus, the Abbasid caliph was using all the tools that are available in order to maintain their power. In fact, according to Ibn Tabatiba, the actions of the Abbasid Caliph jinayah not just violence, but also intrigue designed to trap their enemies.
             Obviously, the process deals with the authority of the Abbasid Caliph would not mind acting against anyone suspected without solid evidence.
Abbasid reign lasted from the year 132H-656H. the period is over 524 years old. 656H in violation of the Tatar Muslim world. Kill the caliph and his family and announced an end to the reign of the Abbasids.
The names of the Abbasid Caliphate
The following is a list of the names of the Abbasid Caliphate rule, from the beginning of the rule:
1 Abu Abbas as-Saffah 132H.
2 Abu Jafar al-Mansur 136H.
3 Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Mahdi bin al-Mansur 158H.
4 Abu Musa al-Mahdi 169H.
5 Abu Ja'far Harun ar-Rashid 170H.
6 Abu Musa Muhammad al-Amin 193H.
7 Abu Ja'far Abdullah al-Ma'mun 198H.
8 Abu Ishak Muhammad al-Mu'tashim 218H.
9 Abu Ja'far Harun al-Watsiq 227H.
10. Fadhl Abu Ja'far al-Mutawakkil 232H.
11 Abu Ja'far Muhammad al-Muntasir 247H.
12 Abdul Abbas Ahmad al-Musta'in 248H.
13 Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Mu'taz 252H.
14 Abu Ishak Muhammad al-Muhtadi 255H.
15 Abu-Abbas Ahmad al-Mu'tamid 256H.
16 Abu Abbas Ahmad al-Mu'tadhid 279H.
17 Abu Muhammad Ali al-289H Latin America.
18 abu Ja'far al-Muqtadir Fadhl 295H.
19 Abu Mansur Muhammad al-Qahir 320H.
20 Abu Abbas Ahmad ar-Radhi 322H.
21 Abu Ishak al-Muttaqi Ibrahin 329H.
22 Abu al-Qasim Abdullah Mustakfi 333H.
23 Abu al-Qasim al-Muthi Mufadhdhal '334H.
24 Abu fadhl Abdul Karim at-Tha'I 362H.
25 Abu Abbas Ahmad al-Qadir 381H.
26 Abu Ja'far Abdullah al-Qa'im 422H.
27 Abu al-Qasim Abdullah Muqtadi 467H.
28.Abu Abbas Ahmad al-Mustazhir 487H.
29 Abu Mansur al-Fadhl al-Mustarsyid 512H.
30 Abu Jafar al-Mansur Rasyid 529H.
31. Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Muqtafi 530H.
32.Abu Muzhaffar al-Mustanjid 555H.
33 Abu Muhammad al-Hasan al-Mustadhi '566H.
34 Abu Abbas Ahmad an-Nasir 575H.
35 Abu Muhammad az-Zahir Nashr 622H.
36 Abu Jafar al-Mansur al-Mustanshir 623H.
37 Abu Ahmad Abdullah al-Musta'shim 640-656H.

Abbasid reign is the peak period of Islamic history. In those days MUSLIM first contact with foreign cultures such as Persian culture, Hindu culture and Greek culture, and has translated the works of the most important research into Arabic.
             Although many natural resources which translated is lost, and left only the translations in Arabic only, but is preserved as cultures invaluable. In fact, in addition to translating, the Muslims also have the complete translation, with criticism and create a new one. As a result of their culture was transferred to western Europe via Spain and further has become one of the most important reasons of Europe.

Move the Abbasid Empire

There are two ways to move the Children Abbasiyah.Berikut is how movement Abbasid Empire:
Motion Confidential
Abbasid government was formed at the beginning of the second century AH (98H) during the reign of Caliph Umar bin Abd.Aziz. Founder was Ali bin Abdullah, who was later succeeded by his son Muhammad bin Ali. Move is hiding under the name of Banu Hashim (Alawiyeen and Ahlil Temple). At this time they do not use the name of the Abbasid in order to attract the support of Shiite and avoid discord. The leader of the Shiite uprising after Hashim bin Muhammad hand over power to Ali bin Abdullah in the year 98 AH then Humaimah was made the move and its tributaries are Kufa and Khorasan. In Kufa still are proposals to restore rights to the caliph of the Prophet / Banu Hashim.
Khurasan is far from Damascus (Central Government Umayyad rule, and more susceptible to influence because people had received bad service from the Umayyad government. Move this revolt and be more active during the reign of Caliph Umar bin Khalifah Abd.Aziz because of the very gentle. After Ali bin Abdullah died, he was succeeded by his son, Muhammad bin Ali in the year 117 H. Subsequently, the government replaced by Ibrahim bin Muhammad on the Hijrah tahun125.

Openly movement
In 747M / 129H Ibrahim bin Muhammad raised black flags in Khurasan as a challenge to the government of Bani Umayyad (at that time the white flag) .Abu Muslim al-Khorasani, key leaders in order to establish the Kingdom of the Abbasid Empire was conquered Meru (the capital of Khorasan) . At that time, Nassar bin Saiyar (Umayyad governor of Khurasan) asking for help Caliph Marwan, but failed to get any help and he died soon after.
In addition, he also managed to conquer Kufah in 749M / 131H.Kemudian, Ibrahim bin Muhammad was killed in the battle and was replaced by his brother Abdullah ibn Muhammad (Abu al-Abbas al-Saffah) After that, Abu al-Abbas declares himself as the Caliph Government Abbasid Empire in 750 m / 132H.Walaupun so, the Caliph Marwan not despair and go with 12,000 troops from Harrah while Abbasid army led by Abdullah bin Ali (his uncle al-Abbas) .Kedua two armies met on the left bank of the river Zab in the 750m. Military defeat and the Caliph Marwan Marwan fled to Egypt.
On April 25, 750 BC Damascus was conquered by the army of the Abbasid Empire and even the Caliph Marwan fled to Egypt but was pursued by the Abbasid army and he was killed in an area called Bousir / Busir on 5 August 750 AD, and his head was sent to Kufa

4.0    FACTORS GLORY Abbasid
Abbasid era is famous for its glorious Islamic system in the country's administration after the Government glory Umaiyyah.Terdapat several factors that lead to the glory of the Abbasid government. The first factor is a system of centralized administration in a systematic and well-established, headed by a caliph. Moreover, the jurisdiction of the departments established will be evaluated from time to time so that it is completely transparent and manageable. There are also new departments created to facilitate the administration of the system at that time.
            On the economic front, the government Abbasid much focus on three main sectors, namely agriculture, industrial and commercial sectors. Various efforts have been made to develop these sectors so that it will provide revenue to the State and the people. Moreover, in terms of physical and intellectual infrastructure is also available to people such as hospitals, schools, library and business center. This causes all the needs of the people available and not burden the people and be able to enjoy a life of peace and quiet without any significant problems that arise.
             On the defensive about drastic changes have been made to provide an opportunity for non-Arabs to join the team of military. In addition, defense policy has also changed from just focusing on the expansion of the activities to curb the insurgency.
             Political stability also contribute to the glory factor Abbasiyah.The ruling government to give serious attention to the eradication of rebellion and strife between the tribes that are on government reign Abbasiyah.Di addition, the political policy of the Abbasid government is giving fair treatment to all citizens regardless of race and ethnicity as well as a lot of good diplomatic relations with foreign countries.
Baghdad strategic position also affects the glory days of the Abbasid government. This is so because, the Baghdad was in the middle of the route of the traders from the east and west but it is also an activity center and meeting center trading of scholars from east and west.
Moreover, solidarity between people is also emphasized by giving fair treatment to all nations as Turkey, Persia and Arab and they are given the same rights to the position of non-Muslims in country. People also given good service as long as they do not betray the Islamic government independently practicing respectively.

There are several factors that led to the fall of the Abbasid Empire that governments can take lessons from him. The first factor that caused the decline or collapse of Abbasid rule were the factors of the government at the time. Abbasid government at that time under the rule of Al-Wasiqm and he did not make any changes in the system of government under his authority. He relied on Turkish officials to govern the country.

Because of this it causes no change in his al-wasiq Al-Mutawakkil took over the throne of the kingdom and try to restore the glory of the caliph administration without any intervention by the officers are of Turkish and Persian. Unfortunately, he was unable to continue because of the influence of Turkish and Persian so powerful mastering Abbasaiyah government politics.

In addition, there are also other problems arise until the fall of the Abbasid government rule. The problem is that it has split the territory under the rule of the Abbasid government. This historic event occurred at the end of the 9th century BC. The impact of these events has shown that the caliph increasingly limited and it is a big negative influence of the Abbasid government. As a result of this incident also led to many important government posts are held by the Turks and Persians. It is the effect of these nations taking steps to establish their own government and the influence and impact of the worst of all is the collapse of the Abbasid state power.

In addition, every history of the ruling government must have the problems associated with the power of government. Similarly occurred in the reign of the Abbasid government. The problems that occur in connection with the pursuit of power is there when the sons of al-Mutawakkil argue and fight for power to be the ruler. Therefore, the Abbasid government weakened from the administration and causing disunity Abbasid government.
Economics plays an important role in forming a government that was strong and able to compete with other governments that is already recognized its strong system of government. Similarly, as required by the government to form a government of Islamic Abbasid strong and respected by the world's population at the time. But due to the economic crisis which hit caused the Abbasid government becomes unstable. The effects of the economic crisis led to the emergence of problems riots and protests in the glory days of the end of the Abbasid and thus interfere with the development of the Abbasid government at the time.
Moreover, the impact of the economic crisis that hit cause traders no longer travel to Baghdad and this resulted in the funds retained in treasury more impaired compared with provisions issued.

In addition to the economic crisis that hit the reign of the Abbasid government, there is also a school of thought religious strife problems that arise unexpectedly. Rebellion often occur on government reign of Abbasid rule, and this causes the system to be disorganized and chaotic. The party responsible for the agenda of the Abbasid revolt against the government is of the Shiite rebels. Moreover, there is also another class of that generation who did Shi'a uprising of rebels from the Kharijites. This is so because both the rebels are of the opinion that the position of caliph only qualify held by leaders from among their group only. This has led to the peace and tranquility of country life has been disrupted and people in stressful conditions and life became uncertain direction.

Abbasid government also had to face attacks from the outside who wish to see the glory of the Abbasid government plummeted and continue down. At the end of the Abbasid reign, the enemies from the north, from Gorgia and Armenia have invaded the Abbasid government and prompting the government to become unstable. Moreover, the West has been attacking the government at the time of Abbasid of the Crusades and the Mongolian government also attacked from the east area of the Abbasid government. This causes the Abbasid government did not last long and eventually fall and the end of the golden age of the Abbasid government.

6.0          Progress made by the Abbasids

Knowledge translation
There is no doubt that the Muslims at the beginning of the century was the birth of the Islamic community studious and diligent pursuit of knowledge. Big factor occurs is because Islam itself is always urged his followers to learn despite having migrated to the remote region. Even Islam makes learning and seeking knowledge is an obligatory item required. Although it is obligatory on the kifayah, but old enough to be the main impetus towards it.

As we know that the Prophet Muhammad is a messenger who can not read and write. Thus, after he left no legacy of any books or other polar Treasures from the Holy Quran and Hadith. But because of the encouragement from the Quran and the Hadith is very strong ask Muslims to learn, and basically in general have been there in two different books, then serious efforts have been undertaken in the face of adversity. They learn by anyone who wants to teach them. They invite the best brains from all races and religions and invite doctors from abroad to come to their school to pay a lot of money and special treatment.

As for not having a complete knowledge of books, then the books translated from foreign languages ​​on a large scale into Arabic. These translation tasks are important and are considered as a source of Islamic thought in addition to the Quran and Hadith. For this purpose, first had to learn the languages ​​until they emerged among intellectuals who can master multiple languages​​, such as Persian, Greek, Hindu and others. Jabir bin Hayyan famous among Europeans with the name "Geber" is one of the most reliable interpreter of Islam and competently.
 In addition, it is also a scientist and a writer of distinction at the time of Abbasid government. Translation movement reached its peak during the reign of Caliph al-following the imam should, where there is a special academy in Baghdad erected for translation tasks. In this academy important books translated from various languages ​​into Arab language. Yahya bin Masaweh was appointed as principle of the academy. He is also known to have translated many medical books to the Caliph Harun al-Rashid.

In addition, as a result of the efforts of the translation of the born Muslim scholars from the Arabs who claim knowledge of foreign books translated. They were able to read the most important books written by Hippocrates, Galen Plonlemy and other books and reviews.
They then work hard at all the centers of Islamic learning in the Muslim world at that time to develop knowledge. Among the areas of knowledge that gets the focus is medical science, astronomy, chemistry and others.


In the field of astronomy, the Caliph al-following the imam should a major precursor science research center set up by using the tools that are already quite perfect and orderly in Baghdad. The aim is to learn the movements of stars in the sky so they can see the description of the seasons and the course of the wind, not as pre-Islamic astronomers of yore who seeks out good luck and bad luck will befall a human.
Master of Science of Astronomy of the most brilliant in the time of al-Khwarizmi. He had examined the books of knowledge in regards to the people of India, Persia, Greece and Egypt, then give its opinion in accordance with Islamic principles. With its Muslims are no longer much influenced by delusions and myths of the past.


There are several factors that led to the fall of the Abbasid Empire that governments can take lessons from him. The first factor that caused the decline or collapse of Abbasid rule were the factors of the government at the time. Abbasid government at that time under the rule of Al-Wasiqm and he did not make any changes in the system of government under his authority. Youth rely on Turkish officials to govern the country.

Because of this it causes no change in his al-wasiq Al-Mutawakkil took over the throne of the kingdom and try to restore the glory of the caliph administration without any intervention by the officers are of Turkish and Persian. Unfortunately, he was unable to continue because of the influence of Turkish and Persian so powerful mastering Abbasaiyah government politics.

In addition, there are also other problems arise until the occurrence of the toppling of the government is that it has a split Abbasiyah. Problem territories under the rule of the Abbasid government. This historic event occurred at the end of the 9th century BC. The impact of these events has shown that the caliph increasingly limited and it is a big negative influence of the Abbasid government. As a result of this incident also led to many important government posts are held by the Turks and Persians. It is the effect of these nations taking steps to establish their own government and the influence and impact of the worst of all is the collapse of the Abbasid state power.

In addition, every history of the ruling government must have the problems associated with the power of government. Similarly occurred in the reign of the Abbasid government. The problems that occur in connection with the pursuit of power is there when the sons of al-Mutawakkil argue and fight for power to be the ruler. Therefore, the Abbasid government weakened from the administration and causing disunity Abbasid government.

Economics plays an important role in forming a government that was strong and able to compete with other governments that is already recognized its strong system of government. Similarly, as required by the government to form a government of Islamic Abbasid strong and respected by the world's population at the time itu.Tetapi due to the economic downturn that hit cause Abbasid government becomes unstable. The effects of the economic crisis led to the emergence of problems riots and protests in the glory days of the end of the Abbasid and thus interfere with the development of the Abbasid government at the time.

Moreover, the impact of the economic crisis that hit cause traders no longer travel to Baghdad and this resulted in the funds retained in treasury more impaired compared with provisions issued.

In addition to the economic crisis that hit the reign of the Abbasid government, there is also a school of thought religious strife problems that arise unexpectedly. Rebellion often occur on government reign of Abbasid rule, and this causes the system to be disorganized and chaotic. The party responsible for the agenda of the Abbasid revolt against the government is of the Shiite rebels.

Moreover, there is also another class of that generation who did Shi'a uprising of rebels from the Kharijites as both the rebels are of the opinion that the position of caliph is entitled held by leaders from among their group only. This has led to the peace and tranquility of country life has been disrupted and people in stressful conditions and life became uncertain direction.

Abbasid government also had to face attacks from the outside who wish to see the glory of the Abbasid government plummeted and continue down. At the end of the Abbasid reign, the enemies from the north, from Gorgia and Armenia have invaded the Abbasid government and prompting the government to become unstable.

Moreover, the West has been attacking the government at the time of Abbasid of the Crusades and the Mongolian government from the east also attack Abbasid government. This causes the Abbasid government did not last long and eventually fall and the end of the golden age of the Abbasid government

6.0           Progress made by the Abbasids
Knowledge translation
There is no doubt that the Muslims at the beginning of the century was the birth of the Islamic community studious and diligent pursuit of knowledge. Large factor occurs is because Islam itself is always urged his followers to learn despite having migrated to the remote region. Even Islam makes learning and seeking knowledge is an obligatory item required. Although it is obligatory on the farhdu kifayah, but old enough to be the main impetus towards the direction of the.
As we know that the Prophet Muhammad is a messenger who can not read and write. Thus, after he left no legacy of any books or other polar Treasures from the Holy Quran and Hadith. But because of the encouragement from the Quran and the Hadith is very strong ask Muslims to learn, and basically in general have been there in two different books, then serious efforts have been undertaken in the face of adversity. They learn by anyone who wants to teach them. They invite the best brains from all races and religions and invite doctors from abroad to come to their school to pay a lot of money and special treatment.
As for not having a complete knowledge of books, then the books translated from foreign languages ​​on a large scale into Arabic. These translation tasks are important and are considered as a source of Islamic thought in addition to the Quran and Hadith. For this purpose, first had to learn the languages ​​until they emerged among intellectuals who can master multiple languages​​, such as Persian, Greek, Hindu and others. Jabir bin Hayyan famous among Europeans with the name "Geber" is one of the most reliable interpreter of Islam and competently. In addition, it is also a scientist and a writer of distinction at the time of Abbasid government.
Translation movement reached its peak during the reign of Caliph al-following the imaam should, where there is a special academy in Baghdad erected for translation tasks. In this academy important books translated from various languages ​​into Arabic. Yahya bin Masaweh was appointed as pengetuai academy. He is also known to have translated many medical books to the Caliph Harun al-Rashid.
In addition, as a result of the efforts of the translation of the born Muslim scholars from the Arabs who claim knowledge of foreign books translated. They were able to read the most important books written by Hippocrates, Galen Plonlemy and other books and reviews.
They then work hard at all the centers of Islamic learning in the Muslim world at that time to develop knowledge. Among the areas of knowledge that gets the focus is medical science, astronomy, chemistry and others.

In the field of astronomy, the Caliph al-following the imaam should a major precursor science research center set up by using the tools that are already quite perfect and orderly in Baghdad. The aim is to learn the movements of stars in the sky so they can see the description of the seasons and the course of the wind, not as pre-Islamic astronomers of yore who seeks out good luck and bad luck will befall a human.
Master of Science of Astronomy at that time was al-Khwarizmi. He had examined the books of knowledge in regards to the people of India, Persia, Greece and Egypt, then give its opinion in accordance with Islamic principles. With its Muslims are no longer much influenced by delusions and myths of the past


Economic development at the time the government began in the reign of the Abbasid Caliph Abu Jafar al-Mansur. At that time, he moved the government of Damascus to Baghdad, and that is where the built and the onset of Baghdad. It was built adjacent to the Tigris (Tigris) and the shape of a circle and has four doors. Baghdad at the time it was built, surrounded fortresses built strong and the middle of the main mosque of al-Mansur.

From Baghdad privileges Economically

Baghdad is a place or a location that is very special in terms of the economy. This is so because of its strategic location and it was a trade route for traders from the East and the West. Moreover, Baghdad is also a market known as Suk Baghdad 'which is the focus of traders from Persia. In addition, there are also agricultural and livestock farms and there is also a market known as Suk al-Baqar.

Home Resource Finance Abbasid Period

The main source of finance at the time of Abbasid government was divided into three. The first source is the result of the commercial activities which is more profitable and financially able to add more time to be stable and is used for development.
             The second major source of revenue is a lot of industrial fruitful and provide employment opportunities to local residents.
  The third major source is from the agricultural sector. Is already known that the agricultural sector makes for a bountiful harvest. It is therefore not surprising that the agricultural sector is one of the three main sources of the Abbasid government finances at the time.
8.0 Conclusion

Having lived through and learned from the story of the glory of the Abbasid government many lessons and what can be learned from it. Among them is a lot of scientific and technological progress Europe is taken from the time of the Abbasid dizzying crusaders battle with the west.

             In addition, the characteristics of the fortress also taken lessons from military techniques and the knowledge of the military in fighting with Continental

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